About Jerry



Welcome to my website for wine lovers and Chardonnay fans in particular. I hope you will enjoy this site.


My name is Jerry and I am the founder and creator of this site. I am a wine enthusiast, who happens to like drinking wine of many sorts (red, white and the occasional rose) from many countries and has done so for well over thirty years. And no, I do not own the vineyard as depicted here or any vineyard for that matter. I just wanted a suitable photo to go with my introduction and so I stood in front of this winery, which is located some 10 km from where I live.


If you are interested, it is called Silverlake and is a well known tourist attraction situated between Pattaya and Banchang in Thailand. One of the main attractions, besides the vineyards, is Buddha mountain, where a giant golden Buddha is depicted on a mountain. I have been working and living around this area since July 2003.

Chardonnay wines

Somewhere during my life I have developed my specific taste for Chardonnay wines. For one reason or another I always ended up choosing one of these particular white ones, liking them more than other white wines. 

Although I drank some fine Chardonnays in my time there must be hundreds if not over a thousand more of them, dozens of which I might find better than the ones I have tried so far. I would like to find the world for the best ones and make them accessible for you through my website.

For this purpose, I have already explored and detailed the best Chardonnay wine regions in the world, from the old world France and Italy, to the new world USA, Chile, S-Africa, Australia and New Zealand. The details of these regions can be found in the category best wine regions and all my reviews can be accessed through the three images to the right under the heading World best Chardonnays. In some cases, such as California, which is the biggest wine producer in the USA, I have even detailed specific wine regions within its borders. Every Chardonnay fan around the world should be aware of Napa Valley and Sonoma County Chardonnays! Did you know that New York state produces some fine Chardonnays? You can read all about it on this site.

Furthermore I am collecting all there is to know about the Chardonnay grape and its wines, the results of which I am showing here.

Chardonnay and food pairings

Interested to learn how to combine your favourite wine with your favourite dishes/cheeses? Or even how to cook with it? Find out all about this in my category wine and food.

My goal

So here I am trying to find the best Chardonnay wines for my taste and maybe you would like to do this for yourself too? Then we could help each other. I will tell you about my favourites and you can tell us which are the best Chardonnays you ever drank. I have started my personal top twenty (something) and have made sure they are all available through this site.

In order to help you doing this, I have incorporated a post on how to taste wines here and there is also a page on how to subsequently rate them properly, which virtually everybody can do! I am inviting you to check out my category product reviews, where I am reviewing and rating some of the best Chardonnays in the world. The top of all Chardonnays reviewed you can find here and all can also be purchased through this website’s reviews.

Join me in an adventure to find the absolute best Chardonnays for my and your taste! Feel free to comment at any time and I will come back to you within 24 hours.


Contact me at: jerry@chardonnayfans.com   

Important notice

The recording of the images throughout this site is based on the fair use rule. When you recognise your image and do not see a correct source listing, we would like to send a correction and we will attribute it to you. If there is an objection to using your image I will delete it.

26 thoughts on “About Jerry

  1. Mark Perlmutter

    Jerry, I just discoved your website while pursuing some comparisons for Sonoma coast chardinays that my wife only drinks to French chardonnay/chablis that will be offered during our trip to the south of france later this month. She likes the buttery oaky taste from wines such as SonomaCutrer, Jordan, Trefethan and hope for some recomendations of comparable tasting selections that might be available in the Cote’ de Azur and Provance.
    Any help would be most appreciated.

    1. Jerry

      Hi Mark, it will be quite a tour to find buttery and oaky Chardonnays in France. The Burgundy, which is the origin of all Chardonnays, has a climate that produces fresh and light Chardonnays like Chablis and Meursault. None of the French Chardonnays are oaked. Maybe the one that comes closest to your wife’s taste is the Meursault, which is a classic French Chardonnays. For full, buttery and oaky Chardonnays, she should look at whines from the countries with more sunshine, of which Australia is the prime example. She should be looking at whines from the areas of Adelaide Hills, Margaret River (Robert Oatley Signature Chardonnay) and Barossa. Have a good trip to France!

  2. Lanu Bennett

    Lovely to read about beautiful Chardonnay all around the globe. Your article does make my mouth water. I do love sea food a lot, which particular Chardonnay will you recommend to go with sea food platter with salad. I am entertaining soon, and would serve sea food platter, salad and good wine to blend.

    Thank you,

    1. Jerry

      Hi Lanu, what immediately comes to mind is the unwooded, lighter, fresher Chardonnays for matching with seafood and salad. Prime example is the French Burgundy Chablis. You could read all about matching Chardonnays with food here. As it happens, I have an outstanding Chablis on review here. In any case, almost any Chablis will do as it simply is a quality wine. I wish you a good and happy meal with the right wine!

  3. Miglena Stancheva

    Hi, Jerry, this is Lena from MostUniqueGifts.com
    I love your website! You have done a wonderful job putting so much valuable information together about the most famous white wine in the world! I can tell you are definitely a wine lover as only someone with a passion for wine would take the time to educate others they way you do. I bet you have a glass of Chardonnay when you write your posts for inspiration! Chardonnay does that, doesn’t it? I will include your website next time I write a post for the wine enthusiasts! Good luck and cheers!

    1. Jerry

      Hi Lena, yes I am definitely a wine lover, but I have one rule: when I work, I do not drink alcohol, however appealing drinking a glass of Chardonnay might sound. It is a beautiful thought anyway and it will be all the more rewarding when I am finished and can relax with that glass of wine. I indeed hope to attract a lot of Chardonnay fans by giving all the information there is about Chardonnay. I am going for the best ones from the best areas in the world (Old World: France, Italy and New World, USA, Chile, Argentina, S-Africa, Australia, New Zealand) and surprise wines from countries like Germany, Spain and Canada, although they are a bit more difficult to find. I would be very grateful if you would include my website in your wine blog and maybe I can return the favour? Cheers, Jerry

      1. Miglena Stancheva

        Well, I don’t drink when I write either, but when I cook I do have a glass of wine sometimes. The meals get tastier that way:) I will let you know when would be the next time I write a post for my Wine Lovers. I am sure they will enjoy reading your posts as well so I will definitely include a link to this great website.
        Have a great day!

        1. Jerry

          Thanks again Lena. You know what W.C. Fields said about cooking with wine: I sometimes even add some wine to the food! I have some very nice recipes for cooking with white wines on my site. Just look it up if you are interested. Nothing better than cooking with wine and have some yourself while doing this! Cheers, Jerry

    1. Jerry

      Thanks Adrian, I will certainly do so. You might have seen my page with top rated Chardonnays here? Cheers, Jerry

  4. Brad

    Hi Jerry,

    I just started drinking white wine in the past year as i’m now “grown up” haha. I look forward to seeing all your updates to learn about wine and what I should buy!

    1. Jerry

      Thanks Brad, you could go to this page where you can see all the Chardonnay reviews from the best wines in the world. You are welcome to visit again and if you have any questions on wine, please let me know. Cheers, Jerry

  5. TDY

    Hi Jerry , I like red wine occasionally have white wine , I don’t know very much about wine though ,I can sure picks up lots of info from here , I will dropping by again soon

    1. Jerry

      Thanks TDY, I am glad you like the info. I will continue adding more and please visit again. Cheers, Jerry

  6. Jennifer

    Hi Jerry, I, like Bruce, am more of a red wine person. But, having visited your website, I will certainly try to sample a few Chardonnays.
    It is an excellent source of information for both Chardonnay connoisseurs and novices alike and the link to the recipes is a nice touch. Overall a great site.

    1. Jerry

      Hi Jennifer, thank you for visiting and for your kind words. Your tastes of wine will be totally personal as anybody else’s. If you would like to try some excellent Chardonnays you could find them on my website under product reviews, where I have reviewed Chardonnays from the best regions in the world. Cheers, Jerry

  7. Kung

    Hi Jerry,
    I finally found your website. Just read some, Wow!! Good info, Jerry. I will take some time to read them all.
    Of course, I will leave some question about the white wine for my next visit on your website again.

    1. Jerry

      Thanks Kung, I am glad you could find it. Any and all questions, about wine, are welcome and usually I will reply within 24 hours. Cheers, Jerry

  8. Bruce

    Hi Jerry,
    Like your site. I’m a red wine fan. I wouldn’t have thought of Thailand as a wine producer. I live in New Zealand, we have some great wines here.

    1. Jerry

      Hi Bruce, thanks for your comments. Yes, Thailand produces some wine, although mostly for the domestic market. I have a separate post on New Zealand wines and they produce some excellent wines. Cheers, Jerry

  9. Martin Van Der Klooster

    Hi Jerry,
    I would like to hear more about the possibility for working from home, although my spare time is limited.
    Let talk about it over a bottle of beer/Shiraz/Chardonnay!

    1. Jerry


      Just name a time and place, restaurant. I suggest though that you first read the story as per the link and then come with questions. Greetings, Jerry

  10. Martin Van Der Klooster

    Hi Jerry,
    I will surely mention your website to a number of people.

    I came across your website through an email I received from Twitter with the title “Some people you may know on Twitter”. In the dark ages I was exploring Twitter, basically because I wanted to know what it was and what it could do for me. I get these emails about every fortnight and normally I never take the time to actually read them. For some reason or another, yesterday I did. One of the three people shown in this email was you. Interesting and scary at the same time because Twitter knows that I know you personally and that I am a golf fan since the other two guys were Tiger Woods and Rory Mcilroy. I guess you are in good company or vice versa.

    i am looking forward to read your next Blog!


    1. Jerry

      Yes Martin, I agree that Tiger and Rory are in good company! lol! Yesterday I published my latest blog about the relationship of women and wine. Also through Twitter I offered a link about a nice possibility for working from home, which you may want to explore.
      Thank you very much for sending my website link to your network!

  11. Martin Van Der Klooster

    Hi Jerry,

    Pure by coincidence I came across your website. I know for a long time that you are a genuine wine connoisseur and now found a way to share your knowledge, experience and personal preference with likeminded. I read your articles with great interest and I am impressed by the thoroughness and enthusiasm. Keep up the good work!


    1. Jerry

      Thanks Martin for the very encouraging words. I am trying to bit by bit establish an audience here and comments to my site will help doing just that. Maybe you could send my site link to all the wine lovers in your networks.My next blog is in the pipeline and will be published soon, also through facebook, twitter, pinterest and google+. Thanks again, Jerry
      PS can you tell me how you came across my site?


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